Websockets allow you to subscribe to a threadId
and receive updates for new messsages. Here is how you can add them to your application.
Manual Setup
Step 1 - Install Dependencies
yarn add ably
Step 2 - Setup your code
Let's create a file that'll have our React hook named Ably.js
import Ably from "ably/promises";
import { useEffect } from 'react'
const ably = new Ably.Realtime.Promise({ authUrl: 'https://theconvo.space/api/getAblyAuth?apikey=apikey' });
export function useChannel(channelName, callbackOnMessage) {
const channel = ably.channels.get(channelName);
const onMount = () => {
channel.subscribe(msg => { callbackOnMessage(msg); });
const onUnmount = () => {
const useEffectHook = () => {
return () => { onUnmount(); };
return [channel, ably];
Step 3 - Subscribe to a Channel.
import { useChannel } from "@/hooks/Ably";
// the threadId you want to track.
const threadId = "KIGZUnR4RzXDFheXoOwo"
const [channel, ably] = useChannel(threadId, (newMessage) => {
// Function called when a new message comes in.
Using the SDK
Step 1 - Install & Setup the SDK
yarn add @theconvospace/react
import { subscribe } from "@theconvospace/react"
Read more details on installing and Setting up the SDK here
Step 2 - Use the subscribe
React Hook.
const [channelDetails, ablyInstance] = subscribe('api-key','threadId', callback);
const [channelDetails, ablyInstance] = subscribe('CONVO', 'KIGZUnR4RzXDFheXoOwo', (newMessage)=>{
alert('Got a new Message', newMessage.text);
Tracking Events
- Channel: Defines the root Id you are tracking the changes of.
- Action: A key in the payload that defines the kind of update.
- Data: The Payload data that is retured on the WS Trigger.
New Comment
- Channel: Thread Id
- Action:
- Data: New Comment Data.
Update Comment
- Channel: Thread Id
- Action:
- Data: Updated Comment Data.
Delete Comment
- Channel: Thread Id
- Action:
- Data: Deleted Comment Data.
Toggle Votes
- Channel: Thread Id
- Action:
- Data: Updated Comment Data (inc Vote Data).