SDK - Auth
Generate Signature Data
let resp = await convo.auth.getSignatureData(
signerAddress, // Address of the user signing the message
timestamp // Current Timestamp
Example Usage,
let timestamp =;
let data = convo.auth.getSignatureData(accounts[0], timestamp);
Authenticate Session
let resp = await convo.auth.authenticate(
signerAddress, // Ethereum Address or NEAR Public Key
signature, // Signed Data in Hex
timestampm // Signed Data in Hex
chain, // Name of the Chain
accountId // Near Account Id
Example Usage,
let timestamp =;
let data = convo.auth.getSignatureData(accounts[0], timestamp);
let signature = await web3.send(
[ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes(data)), accounts[0].toLowerCase()]
convo.auth.authenticate(accounts[0], signature, timestamp, "ethereum").then(console.log);
Generate Signature Data V2
This is for EIP-4361: Sign In with Ethereum compliance.
let resp = await convo.auth.getSignatureDataV2(
uri, // URI of your Website
signerAddress, // Address of the user signing the message
chainId, // ChainId , i.e 1 for Ethereum mainnet
resources // Optional, Add links to Pirvacy Policy, ToS etc.
Example Usage,
const convoInstance = new Convo("apikey");
let signer = await provider.getSigner();
let signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
let message = convoInstance.auth.getSignatureDataV2('', signerAddress, 1, resources);
Authenticate Session V2
This is for EIP-4361: Sign In with Ethereum compliance.
let resp = await convo.auth.authenticateV2(
message, // Raw unsigned SIWE Message
signature // Signature of Message in Hex
Example Usage,
const convoInstance = new Convo("apikey");
let signer = await provider.getSigner();
let signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
let message = convoInstance.auth.getSignatureDataV2('', signerAddress, 1);
let signature = await provider.send('personal_sign',[ ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes(message)), signerAddress.toLowerCase() ]);
let resp = await convo.auth.authenticateV2(message, signature);
Validate Authentication
let resp = await convo.auth.validate(
signerAddress, // Ethereum Address or NEAR Public Key
token // JWT Auth Token